
Take your trash with you:

Not only is trash and food waste on the beach an eyesore that can end up suffocating sealife, it attracts birds and wildlife that end up defecating on the sand. This ends up contributing to the already problematic sewage problem, says Nancy Stoner, director of the Natural Resources Defense Councils clean water project. She advocates disposing trash in lidded bins, or if those are not available, containing the trash and packing it out yourself.

No leaky diapers:

“When it says swim diaper, that doesn’t mean [the waste is] self contained,” Stoner said. “I know this from personal experience. Plastic pants are the way to go.”

Outfiit your baby with the best diaper using Green Guide’s “Diapers Buying Guide.”

Pick up pet waste:

“Pet waste is a big problem and so easily solved by scooping up the waste,” Stoner adds.

Smoking ban:

During the coastal cleanup, volunteers found more than 3.2 million cigarette butts and filters. If you have to smoke, don’t leave evidence.

Stick to organic sunscreens, cosmetics, and insect repellent:

Research has shown that some sunscreen compounds suspected to be endocrine disruptors are finding their way into fish tissue. Scientists have said some of these could alter reproductive function and birth weight in fish. Not all ultraviolet filters have harmful materials, but to be safe, try to use natural ingredients. The possible synergistic human health and environmental affects of residue from the hundreds of chemical compounds in cosmetics and personal care products give water quality experts a real fright.
(excerpt from National Geo Go Green)