SEARCHING FOR A PROPERTY – Search for an available property based upon the days you are looking to vacation. You may also choose to narrow down the choices by searching by Number of Bedrooms, Number of Guests etc. Price Category: You may select to search within a certain price category if you have a particular budget in mind.
VIEW PHOTOS AND DESCRIPTIONS: From the search page click on the property photo or description to view additional photos, read a detailed description, and see available amenities.
RECEIVE A QUOTE OR BOOK ONLINE: Once you have selected the perfect vacation home for your trip, you may click on the Rates and Availability tab on each property page. On this page, choose your check in/check out dates and you will see the cost of your vacation rental including all taxes and fees. If booking online with a pet, a pet fee of $150.00 will be charged for five or more nights or $95 for two to four nights.
When booking online, the total balance is due at time of booking for stays where your arrival date is LESS than 30 days away. Otherwise, your initial payment is 35% of the total balance for week long vacations. 50% is due on reservations less than 7 nights OR 14 nights or more. We accept Visa, MasterCard & Discover.
SPECIAL OFFERS: To redeem a special offer please write the appropriate offer into the Special Requests comment box during online booking and we will edit your reservation to reflect the discount prior to contacting you to confirm your reservation.
No reservations are confirmed until you are contacted by a Visit Up North Vacation Rentals staff member via phone or email. You will receive an automated email when you book online; however, you will receive more detailed information the next business day. You have 7 days to sign the electronic Rental Agreement paperwork and return it to us.
Please make sure to thoroughly read the terms and conditions prior to booking your reservation. You must acknowledge that you have read and understood all items.